15 Apr Meeting in Bucharest
CosTUmE partners met this month in Bucharest, Romania. After the first meeting held in Portugal to kick-off the project, the second meeting aims to present the main findings from the desk and field-research activities carried in the first 6 months of the project.
At the same time, the meeting was important to present and discuss the crucial phases for the next 6 months, as well as the main milestones to comply. The focus of the project for the next months is to design the clothing technician profile and qualification according to the new competencies identified in the roadmap on qualification needs and WBL good practices for the textile and clothing sectors as well as to include some of the WBL practices. The process to design the profile and qualification will involve several networking sessions in each of the 3 countries – Portugal, Romania and Spain. The networking sessions will engage directly one national entity of qualifications management and recognition, five T&C companies and 10 experts in VET per country.
The website and promotional video were also presented as part of the strategy to attract young professionals to the textile and clothing sectors since they present a modern and clean image mixed with the testimony of a clothing technician professional that enrolled in a VET course 10 years ago.