30 Apr New promotional video
The project has released a new video in order to promote the project and the textile and clothing sectors closer to the young workforce community. It includes the testimony of a current clothing technician and how a VET qualification has brought her job opportunities in the field of fashion.
Every time I find someone that is not convinced about what they plan to be in the future, I try to explain how this kind of training will change their lives. This gives them the possibility to work with different kind of areas, all related with fashion or techniques with all sort of textiles. Almost every year, since 10 years ago, I receive different job offers to change [of company] If I want and make different things. [This qualification] is not really to stay in the same company. If you want to change and try different things, you have these opportunities as well [in the textile and clothing sectors]. Sandra Moreira, former trainee on fashion product industrialisation technician, Portugal.
At the same time, Engineer Braz Costa, on behalf of the project’s coordinator CITEVE, states that “We now need more people, more talent, young people to come to our sector in order to boost the capacity of this giant industry”, enhancing the fact that the textile and clothing sectors depend on specialized and qualified people more than ever before. He also mentions that the sector has evolved together with digitalization and robotization of the manufacturing industry. These aspects require new competencies and profiles. These are the grounds in which CosTUmE project was born and expects to mitigate for the upcoming two years.
For watching the full video please click here. It will be available soon in Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish.