16 May The CosTUmE project: a new and attractive Clothing Technician profile
Anticipating skills’ needs and promoting cooperation between industry and vocational and educational training is considered one of the critical actions to be implemented in the upcoming years. To what the Fashion sector concerns, this cooperation will ensure that the sector remains competitive and driven by growth and employment.
Considering the background and in alignment with the Skills Agenda for Europe, CosTUmE project intends to create a new and attractive Clothing Technician profile and Qualification recognized in EU (PT, ES, RO) and to mobilize young people and adults in their professional qualification in the VET system, through the acquisition of necessary skills for textile and clothing industry, by the strong connection to fashion, technical textiles, home textiles, sustainability, introduction of new materials and industry 4.0. We also intend to facilitate the mobility and employability of the target group in Europe.
The project aims to target:
- Textile and clothing employers’ representatives;
- VET providers;
- Textile and clothing social partners and associations;
- National regulatory VET authorities;
- Sectorial stakeholders;
- VET professionals
In order to accomplish such ambition and audiences, CosTUmEproject will develop a:
- Roadmap on qualification needs and WBL good practices for the T&C sectors;
- Clothing Technician profile and qualification;
- ECVET matrix defining the levels in the European Qualification Framework;
- Tutorial guide for mobility in Europe; and
- Training package about the Clothing Technician Profile and Qualification for trainers.
The project foresees to contribute to open the pathways for diminishing the skills’ mismatches between the qualification offer and T&C industry demands, to increase the interest of young workers to enroll in technical qualifications and to motivate workers to update their qualifications, to intensify the awareness-raising of T&C companies to promoting internal mechanisms to support their workers when updating their qualifications as well as to foster European mobility and apply this renewed profile for validation and recognition in Portugal, Spain and Portugal.
The project’s coordinator is CITEVE (PT – www.citeve.pt), and the partnership includes:
- MODATEX (PT) modatex.pt
- ATP (PT) atp.pt
- INOVA+ (PT) inova.business
- AITEX (ES) aitex.es
- ASECOM (ES) asecom.org
- INCDTP (RO) certex.ro
- ASTRICONE (RO) astricone.eu
Contact us in case you would like to share your testimony as a clothing technician or to provide us a WBL practice in the textile and clothing sectors. For further information about the project, please email us to [email protected], or visit the project’s social media.
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