08 Nov COSTUME project was presented by INCDTP at International Conference TEXTEH
COSTUME project was presented by INCDTP at International Conference TEXTEH 9, held in October, 24-25 2019 at Hotel Capital Plaza, Bucharest – Romania. The conference was organized by INCDTP and was attended by approximately 100 participants from Portugal, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Turkey, Slovenia, Germany, Pakistan, Vietnam, Poland, Tunisia, Ukraine and Romania. The participants were affiliated to research institutes, universities, companies, clusters in the T&C field, interested for topics addressed in the 58 presented scientific papers and posters.
INCDTP was invited by European Commission, EASME (the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) and DG GROW (Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship, and SMEs), to be included as an active part in the “Blueprint for sectoral cooperation on skills: showcasing careers in the textile/clothing/leather/footwear sectors”, a project that aims at boosting the employability of the TCLF industry, attracting students, youngsters and job seekers by defeating the spread misconceptions that affect it nowadays. During the press conference held on October 30, 2019 in Bucharest, INCDTP presented the COSTUME project as a related initiative.