News about Work Package 4

MODATEX – Centro de Formação Profissional da Indústria Têxtil, Vestuário, Confecção e Lanifícios, the Portuguese reference in vocational education and training (VET) in the textile, clothing and fashion sector, will take the lead in achieving the upcoming tasks of the CosTUmE project.

Starting from January 2020, until September, MODATEX will lead this project’s fourth work package. With the objective of preparing trainers for delivering this new professional qualification, an innovative training package will be developed, thus providing support and resources to trainers of the T&C sector. A training action for trainers will also take place, helping to identify which sections of the professional profile and qualification need strengthening and improvements.

After defining the methodology and tools to support these objectives, the training package will be developed and translated into the partner countries’ languages. It will then be time for testing the training curricula. To comply with the proposed objectives, each partner country will involve at least 10 VET trainers in this validation phase. The pilot implementation will be the subject of evaluation reports.

In September 2020, partners will delivering a summary report to national entities of qualifications’ management and recognition.