The new profile of clothing technician will be implemented in the next months!

AITEX is a valuable partner in the COSTUME project

AITEX participates in COSTUME project, whose main objective is to identify the training needs of the textile sector at the European level and to provide a joint response through a series of academic materials related to the areas of clothing and fashion. For this, the developed materials try to respond to the current challenges of companies, such as immediate response capacity, high product quality, ecological solutions, smart textiles, digital skills, R&D, or learning methodologies. Work-based for employees – these challenges require human resources with new skills and technical qualifications, as well as cross-cutting.

Throughout the project, academic professionals from different countries have colaborated and contributed with their vision and recommendations for the project development. In this sense, 3 documents have been developed that will be of great help for the implementation of this new profile: Profile of the Dressmaking Technician, the ECVET Matrix and the Tutorial Guide to Mobility.

In the framework of the project, these three documents have been transmitted to INCUAL (National Institute of Qualifications) and their counterparts in Portugal and Romania, where the project partners are based. In this way, the project is being disseminated to national organizations that have academic and learning competencies.

Over the next few months, a series of activities will be defined, including a case study, a group dynamic and a practical case. These materials will be used to carry out workshops with teachers and teaching staff in order to make them familiar with the new profile of clothing technician developed in the project!

If you are a professional or a company from the clothing and textile sector, please contact [email protected] and find out how you can participate in the project’s activities and implement this new and updated clothing technician profile!