All our materials produced and on the web!

“CosTUmE, our two years Erasmus+ project with the aim to Update the Clothing Technician Profile via Education and promote cooperation between industry and vocational and educational training, has reached to a huge milestone: all our deliverables have been published!”

The CosTUmE project has created a new Clothing Technician Profile and Qualification based on a methodology of learning outcomes, with a work-based learning component based on recognized evaluation standards in the three participating countries in order to facilitate the recognition of the qualification and the mobility.

With the Road map on qualification needs and WBL good practices for the T&C sector we present concrete skills needs and gaps in qualifications frameworks in the T&C industries (mainly in the manufacture of clothing, home textile and technical textile) and WBL good practices from each country.

The new Clothing Technician Profile and Qualification integrates: description of the professional profile (activities and competences); description of the Training curricula (learning pathways and units contents) and description of the learning outcomes. It provides the articulation of the learning outcomes following the criteria of transparency, recognition and transferability in the three partners’ countries.

In the ECVET Matrix we follow the descriptors (knowledge, skills, responsibility and autonomy) define levels in the EQF. The matrix presents precise guidelines with the profile match in Portugal, Spain and Romania.

The training and skills qualification plan is framed with ECVET system to allow mobility of trainees within the European Union. In this sense, we created a Tutorial guide for mobility with a description of the mobility purposes with the main documents used for recognizing the qualification and mobility in Europe.

Finally we created a Training Package about Clothing Technician Profile and Qualification for trainers. This training package integrates a set of resources and practical exercises that allow demonstrating the new profile to the trainers.   Innovative methodologies integrating new practical learning outcomes and work-based learning are the crucial aim of this deliverable.

What are you waiting for? You can now see all our resources and contact our national partners to start implementing the CosTUmE tools!

If you are a professional or a company from the clothing and textile sector, please contact [email protected] and find out how you can participate in the project’s activities and implement this new and updated clothing technician profile!