20 dec. INCDTP Open gates day 17.12.2019
On December 17th, 2019, INCDTP organized the Open gates day for 30 learners from two technical high-schools located in Bucharest.
With this occasion, the Costume project was promoted and the learns got in contact with new technologies/products like plasma treatment, smart textiles and 3D simulation of clothing.
The response and the enthusiasm of the students has been very positive, validating once more the fact that the CostTUmE update of the profile of Clothing technician is on point, and synchronised with the needs of one of the main target groups.
In the coming period, partners will max-out their dissemination efforts and the new innovative methodologies will reach to an even greater audience! Stay tuned in our website and social media and follow all our news…
If you are a professional or a company from the clothing and textile sector, please contact [email protected] and find out how you can participate in the project’s activities and implement this new and updated clothing technician profile!
Ai un mesaj! Răspund partenerii noștrii…
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